CUSD #4 RtI Intervention


Response to Intervention (RtI) is an approach for redesigning and establishing teaching and learning environments that are effective, efficient, relevant, and durable for all students, families, and educators. RtI is a general education initiative.

RtI is also a process designed to help schools focus on and provide high-quality instruction and interventions to students who may be struggling with learning.

An intervention is a specific type of instruction that is used to help with a specific type of problem. Interventions are matched to student needs.

Student progress is monitored often to check the effectiveness of the instruction and interventions. The data collected on a student’s progress are used to shape instruction and make educational decisions.

Use of an RtI process can help avoid a “wait to fail” situation because students get help promptly within the general education environment.

RtI has three important parts: 1) A multi-tiered model of school supports, 2) Using a problem solving method for decision-making at each tier, and 3) Using data to inform instruction at each tier.

Part 1: Three-Tier Model of School Supports:

In an RtI framework, resources are allocated in accordance with students' needs. This framework is usually shown as a multi-tiered model that involves more and more intense instruction and interventions across the tiers. The level of intensity of instruction and interventions a student receives is determined by how he or she responds to the instruction and/or intervention. Various assessments determine the tier service each student receives.

Tier 1:

Tier 1 refers to classroom instruction for all students that utilizes the district’s curriculum. It is designed to address the needs of the majority of the school’s students. By using whole- and small-group instruction, on-going assessment and targeting specific skills, classroom teachers are able to meet instructional goals.

Tier 2:

Tier 2 interventions are provided with an increase level of intensity PLUS these possible interventions:


  • Fountas and Pinnell Leveled Literacy Instruction (LLI)

  • Wilson Reading System - phonics/word work

  • Small group instruction with RTI Literacy Specialist and/or RTI Teacher focusing on needs determined through qualitative, diagnostic assessments

  • Corrective Reading


  • Instruction provided by grade-level math teacher

  • Moby Max

  • Xtra Math

  • Small group instruction targeting basic skills and classroom concepts (pre-teaching, re-teaching, test taking strategies).

Tier 3:

Tier 3 interventions provide an even higher level of intensity from Tier 2 PLUS these possible interventions:


  • Wilson Reading System - phonics/word work

  • Intense instruction with RTI Literacy Specialist and/or Reading Teacher (1-on-1 or a group of 2) focusing on targeted needs determined through qualitative, diagnostic assessments


  • Intense instruction with RTI teacher (1-on-1 or a group of 2) focusing on targeted needs determined through diagnostic assessments.

  • Interventions are tailored specifically to meet the needs of each student. Students may move fluidly from tier to tier as a result of their response to their interventions.

Part 2: The Problem Solving Method of Decision-Making

In RtI, the problem solving method is used to match instructional resources to educational need. The problem solving method is used at all three tiers: for all students (Tier 1), for groups of students (Tier 2), and for individual or small groups of students (Tier 3). Problem solving typically consists of four steps, as shown in Figure 2 and discussed below it.

Columbia School District’s problem solving team is called, SOAR (Staff Offering Assistance and Remediation). This team uses the following problem solving method as follows:

Define the problem: Determine the gap or difference between what student is expected to do and what the student is actually doing.

Analyze the problem: Use information collected from a variety of sources, such as universal screening, progress monitoring, student work, parents’ input, etc., to determine why the learning and/or behavior problem(s) may be occurring.

Develop and implement a plan:

  • Set a goal that describes the expected improvement in learning

  • Select the instruction and/or intervention(s) that will address the problem

  • Identify how progress will be monitored

  • Carry out the instructional changes and/or interventions and check to make sure they are being done correctly (with fidelity).

Monitor Progress: Collect and use student data to determine if the intervention plan is working or if changes are needed.

Part 3: Using Data to Inform Instruction

Columbia School District uses a universal screening process which includes multiple data sources to iden­tify students who are at risk for learning problems with the core instruction.

To begin the identification process, benchmark data for each student is collected by using a universal screening tool called AIMSweb. Classroom teachers use the universal screening tool results to assist them in identifying those students who score below level on the various reading and math AIMSweb probes and who may need general classroom interventions for classroom success. The AIMSweb benchmark results are solely used as an at-risk measure to guide the teachers and problem solving team for data driven decision making.

If the general classroom interventions (Tier 1) are not effective for the student, the teacher will refer the student to the SOAR team. After considering a variety of measures and indicators, the SOAR team will determine a student’s eligibility for for RtI services (Tier 2).

AIMSweb probes:

  • Reading Curriculum Based Measure (R-CBM) and MAZE is given two times a year to all students (Fall and Spring).

  • Math Concepts and Applications (MCAP) and Math Computations (MCOMP) are given twice a year (Fall and Spring) to all students.

Once students are identified by the SOAR team as needing Tier 2 or Tier 3 interventions, AIMSweb is used for progress monitoring in reading and math throughout the school year.

PARCC Testing (State Testing):

Given once a year to determine levels of achievement in Reading, Math, and Science


A very concerted effort is made to work collaboratively with the parents of the RTI students. Parents are notified and provided data if their child qualifies for Tier II or Tier III instruction. Notification letters are sent to parent(s) prior to receiving RTI services. This process ensures that parents are adequately informed about the RTI program and its intended purpose. In addition, parents receive notice if any tier changes are necessary. Progress monitoring charts and current reading levels are shared with parents at parent/teacher conferences. Evening RTI meetings are held twice a year to inform families about the RTI program and provide ideas and strategies that parents can utilize at home with their student.

Please contact the following for further questions:

David Ackerman, Assistant Principal

Mrs. Rosemary Leingang, School Guidance Counselor