8th Grade


Algebra is the basis for all higher mathematics; it provides the skills which are necessary for the study of advanced mathematics. It deals with the fundamental processes used in solving the various types of equations.

Social Studies:

We will start the year with the turn of the century in the Progressive Era and end the year with the Vietnam War Era. Through these topics students will engage in current events, public speaking, academic writing, use of primary and secondary sources, and forming viewpoints on controversial topics. Passing the United States and Illinois Constitution Tests are a requirement for promotion to high school.


This class is designed to help students create their own identities as readers. To improve as independent readers, students will learn and practice reading strategies, new vocabulary, idioms, and literary terms. Students will experience and analyze a variety of literary genres.


Within the eight grade science curriculum, students are engaged in various hands-on STEM activities as they investigate physical science concepts within the units of Chemistry 1, Chemistry 2, Weather, Forces, Energy, and Waves.


English provides students with foci in usage, writing, research, formal analysis, and public speaking. Students will write multi-paragraph pieces in the genres of narrative (both fiction and nonfiction), poetry, and editorial. At least one editorial will require students to research and analyze both print and electronic sources with the final written product published in Modern Language Association format with correct in-text citations. Concepts in both revision and self-editing are stressed.