7th Grade Encore


Band is an elective course for students in seventh grade who have participated in band during their sixth grade year. In seventh grade band, students will perform exciting music with other accomplished musicians. Performance opportunities include a marching band performance at Six Flags - St. Louis, three formal concerts, the ‘Scenes’ movie concert, a concert for Eagleview Elementary students and playing with the CMS Eagle Pep Band. Participation in Solo and Ensemble contest in February is encouraged; students may choose to perform a solo or a duet, trio or as part of a small ensemble. Students are also encouraged to audition for the ILMEA All-District Band in the fall, and participate in the CMS Percussion Ensemble during second semester. A more detailed study of scales, percussion rudiments and rhythms is taught at this level, and Italian Terms are studied and applied. Completion of this course will provide a strong foundation for band in eighth grade and high school. Band grades are determined by quarterly assignments and attendance at required performances outside of the regular school day. A $20 fee applies to this class.


Chorus is an elective course open to all students who desire the opportunity to sing in a large choral ensemble. The chorus sings three-part music with the women divided as Soprano and Altos and the men singing Tenor or Alto depending on what is most comfortable for their voice. The objectives of the choral program is to provide students an opportunity to enjoy choral music through active participation, to acquaint students with a wide variety of quality choral, solo, and ensemble literature, to serve and represent the school in public performances, and to develop the personal character traits of leadership, poise, and dependability. There are four required concerts during the school year. The first three concerts are primarily comprised of 3 part choral music covering a variety of genres, while the final concert is a themed concert consisting of primarily popular music chosen by both the students and the instructor. This final concert gives students a chance to sing not only in the choir, but in smaller groups, and as individual soloists. During the year, there are also many optional performance opportunities for students to participate in, such as ILMEA District Festival, IGSMA Solo & Ensemble Contest, and performing "God Bless America" at a St. Louis Cardinals baseball game. Completion of this course will provide a strong foundation for chorus in 8th grade and high school. Chorus grades are determined by quarterly assignments, weekly participation points, and attendance at required performances outside of the regular school day. A $20 fee applies to this class.

Creative Art Comprehensive A

Building on their fifth and sixth grade exploratory art experiences, Creative Art Comprehensive A students will learn the seven basic elements and the eight principles of design in this full year course. Through the use of diverse media, students will identify elements and principles in the artwork of others and become familiar with using them in their own artwork. The course is made up of studio projects (ceramics, drawing, painting, composition, and design), written work, art appreciation, and art history. Students will be encouraged to use art as a form of problem-solving, creation, and self-expression. Upon completion of Creative Art Comprehensive A, students will be prepared to continue their study of visual art in Creative Art Comprehensive B the following year. Upon successful completion, with an 80% or higher grade in Creative Art Comprehensive B, students may be recommended for an advanced art class at the high school. A $20 fee applies to this class.

Digital Media Technology A

In this year long course, students will advance their computer science and multimedia production skills. Students will focus on the problem-solving process including algorithms, the input-output-store-process model of a computer, how computers help humans solve problems, and they will create their own app proposal to solve a problem. In addition, students will create websites using HTML and CSS inside Code.org’s Web Lab environment. Students will learn the JavaScript programming language while developing animations and games. This course will continue to expand knowledge of advanced features of word processing, multimedia design, and desktop publishing using Microsoft software, Google Suite, and a variety of Web 2.0 tools. Students will learn the basics of image editing, 3D design tools, and video editing software. Upon successful completion of this class, students will be ready to continue their technology study in Digital Media Technology B the following year. Upon successful completion, with an 80% or higher grade in Digital Media Technology B, students may be recommended for an advanced technology class at the high school.

German IA

German IA is an introductory course where students learn to communicate in German through listening, speaking, reading, and writing. During class, they will actively listen, respond through actions and practice language skills through role-play, question-answer, conversation, and content-based activities. While learning to use the language, they will also be learning about the culture and countries of German-speaking people. The students will take part in authentic conversations with native German speakers. This course will cover objectives aligned to each of the five goal areas of the national standards for foreign language learning: communication, cultures, connections, comparisons and communities. Upon successful completion of German IA, students will be ready to continue their foreign language study in German IB the following school year. With an 80% or higher grade in German IB, students will be ready to continue their study in German II at the high school. A $9 workbook fee applies to this class.

Spanish IA

Spanish IA is designed for students with no previous knowledge of the language. From the start, the skills of listening and reading will be emphasized, along with students actively participating in question-answer practice and short role-plays. Students will acquire reading skills by reading short stories, and will acquire writing skills by practicing to write in a variety of situations and from various perspectives. Cultural topics will introduce students to the life of people in countries where Spanish is spoken. Up-to-date printed visual and audio materials, presenting an authentic view of the language and culture, will be used. Upon completion of Spanish IA, students will be ready to continue their foreign language study in Spanish IB the following school year. At the end of Spanish B students will be recommended for either Spanish II-honors, Spanish II-reg., or Spanish I based on student proficiency levels and teacher recommendation.