7th Grade


The math course emphasizes a variety of topics: number skills and theory, rational numbers and properties, measurement, problem solving using various approaches, geometry, area of regular and irregular figures, patterns used in mathematics, statistical graphs, variables, and one-step and two-step equations.


Reading provides an appreciation and understanding of literary terms and genres as they relate to short stories and novels read and discussed within the classroom. Vocabulary skills are enhanced through the use of words of the week. Students practice independent reading and reading strategies to build not only comprehension and fluency, but a passion for reading.


Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) aligned curriculum Disciplinary Core Ideas to be covered this year:

  • Life Science

  • Earth and Space Science (in relation to the impact on living things)

  • Engineering, Technology and Application of Science

Students will implement and build on what they have learned in prior years about the scientific method. Earth science topics include a study of Earth’s water and local implications due to changes in water distribution and pollution. Life science topics include the classification of living things beginning with an overview of the bacteria kingdoms, protist and fungi kingdoms, as well as a more in depth study of the plant and animal kingdoms.

Social Studies:

In seventh grade social studies, students will study the history of the United States from exploration and colonization through the Civil War and Reconstruction. The focus is on understanding cause and effect, the relationship between past and current events, and the fundamental concepts of civics. Students will engage in simulations, role play, and research-based debate. This course places special emphasis on analyzing primary source documents, evaluating information for bias and accuracy, written and oral communication, and working cooperatively with others.


Students will focus on a variety of writing styles and genres with an emphasis on persuasive writing. Students will use their voice to make writing impactful and purposeful as they learn to expand on the knowledge that was gained in the previous years.